DUCQ 24.2 RX

For Time

Set an 8-minute Clock
For total reps:

AMRAP in 2mins of:
90 Double Unders
Max Snatches (W1) in the remaining time
Rest 60sec

AMRAP in 2mins of:
90 Double Unders
Max Snatches (W2) in the remaining time
Rest 60sec

AMRAP in 2mins of:
90 Double Unders
Max Snatches (W3) in the remaining time

W1: 60kg/ 135lb | W2: 70kg/ 155lb | W3: 80kg/ 175lb
W1: 40kg/ 90lb | W2: 50kg/ 110lb | W3: 55kg/ 120lb

8 minutes