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DÓTTIR is the Icelandic word for DAUGHTER. Most Icelandic girls have this word in their last name with the name of their father, mother or both in front of it. This naming tradititon applies to Icelandic boys as well. Only in their case it is SON.

Through the years, the word DÓTTIR has taken on a bigger meaning and we are using this platform and our sport to embrace that. Every woman is a DÓTTIR and every man is a SON of a DÓTTIR.

Hopefully the DÓTTIR WOD twill become a benchmark workout in every Crossfit box around the world from now on. This WOD was created in collaboration with three incredible, strong, driven and independent women, Iceland’s best known Crossfit DÓTTIR’s; Annie Thorisdottir, Katrin Davidsdottir and Ragnheidur Sara Sigmundsdottir
