
Are you READY?!?!

The first annual Validus Games is coming in HOT!! For the time EVER is this area, we are bringing you the largest 3 day event that’s going to host an assortment of athletes, from elite to scaled. From individual to teams. This event will be unlike anything this area or Midwest has seen before! If you have ever competed at any events that Endeavor or CrossFit Excess, you know exactly what you’re getting from those two. An event that’s dedicated to the athletes and giving them the greatest experience possible!

Starting April 30 and running through May 9th, we will be running the Individual online qualifier for this event. We will release all workouts on April 30th and you’ll have 10 days to complete all workouts and have your scores submitted. We are taking the Top 15 Women and Top 15 Men and punching their ticket in the Elite Division for our Main Event on June 21-23rd where they will compete for cash prizes!

Following the individual qualifier, we will then run the Online Team Qualifier. From May 14th through May 23rd, teams will have 10 days to complete all workouts released and have their scores submitted online. At the conclusion of the qualifier, we will send out invites to the Top 10 Teams of 4 for our Elite Division. The next 30 teams will be invited to compete against each other in our Rx Division!

The teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women and the workouts will require you to be in the same location as they will ALL be team based workouts and not done as individuals. We will test you in communication, teamwork, and all fitness levels.

The only way you can qualify for a Team Of 4 or Individual is by completing the online qualifier. No invites will be sent out for these two formats otherwise. The Individuals and Teams that do qualify will battle it out and be tested over the entire 3 day event.

One more thing...the teams will be ran through the infamous cannonball style that was created by the one and only, Aaron Jannetti. Teams will complete a series of workouts back to back for a set period of time each of the 3 days. Not only is this format the most exciting to watch, the athletes LOVE doing this style as you only need to warmup once and aren’t stuck there waiting 3 hours between events.

Once all of the invites have been sent out for the online qualifiers, we will then open up the remaining slots to teams of 3. These will be same sex teams of 3 and we will have Elite, Rx, and Scaled Divisions to choose from!

These teams will also run through the one day event (Sunday) cannonball style format. Sunday will be an awesome day as we will have the Finals for Individual and 4 person teams going on with the team of 3 event. This means a bunch of bad ass athletes will be under the same roof at the same time!

We will have a Vendor Village with all your hottest products and companies. A sick ass DJ spinning live music to keep you going. A live streaming of the event with dedicated announcers who will call all the shots. Sweet event shirts and most importantly, the best ran event in the land, by us, for YOU!

**Registration for Online Individuals goes LIVE March 11th 2019.

**Registration for Online Team goes LIVE April 15th 2019.

**Registration for Teams of 3 goes LIVE on May 27th 2019

Online Individual cost: 20$
Online Team cost: 75$

*Individuals and Teams: You will Be required to record and then submit videos that we request at the end of the online portion. They will be approved by our judging staff and complete videos that show the required workload will then officially be invited to the Main Event.

*Those who qualify will still need to pay entry into the Main Event that runs June 21-23rd.

*Registration for the Team of 3 will take place on May 27th. Each division will be capped at a specific amount.

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