For Time
Part A
3 x 2 min Rounds
250/200m Ski
AMRAP DB Front Squat in remaining time until 75 reps are completed or time runs out.
- 3 min rest -
Part B
DB Deadlift
DB Hang Clean
*Any remaining front squats from Part A must be completed before Part B can begin.
Filming Standards:
Must show movement standards in frame.
Must show dumbbell weight.
The set up of the SkiErg workout must be filmed and featured clearly at the beginning of the WeTime video.
Movement Standards:
Workout must be entered in the SkiErg: Menu - Select Workout - New Workout - Intervals - Intervals: Distance - 250/200m with Undefined Rest. Hands must not leave handles until the screen reads zero metres. Roll on metres do not count.
Dumbbell Front Squat: hip crease comes below knee level with DBs in front rack position, finishing with legs locked, hips extended
Part B
Dumbbell Deadlift: One head of the dumbbell must begin in contact with the floor, then finish with hips extended and shoulders in line before descending to the floor for the next rep.
Dumbbell Hang Cleans: Dumbbells begin by the athletes standing up with the weights by their side. The rep is complete when one head of the dumbbells simultaneously touch the shoulders, with hips and knees fully extended.