For Time

Elite/Rx/Masters 35-49 Individuals and Rx Teams

On A 30-Minute Running Clock
Event 4 - "KAYCEE"
For Time:  8-Minute Cap

20 Devil’s Press - 50's / 35's
200 DU’s
20 Devil’s Press

Score - Time or Completed Reps

2:00 Rest Before Starting Event 5

Minute 10:00 - 20:00
Event 5 - "JAMIE"
For Time:  8-Minute Cap

2 Rounds
40’ DBL DB Farmer's Carry Walking Lunge (5' = 1 rep)
4 Wall Walks

-Directly Into-

2 Rounds
40’ DBL DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (5' = 1 rep)
16 Kipping HSPU

-Direclty Into-

2 Rounds
40’ DBL DB Walking Lunge Switch Grip (5' = 1 rep)
40’ *Handstand Walk (5'= 1 rep)

DB's - 50's/35's

Score - Time or Reps Completed

2:00 Rest Before Starting Event 6

Minute 20:00 - 30:00
Event 6 - "JOHN DUTTON"
Squat Total - For Total Load From The Rack:

Overhead Squat Max
Front Squat Max
Back Squat Max

Using 1 Barbell, establish a max effort for all 3 lifts.  Athletes may have help changing weights and re-racking the barbell.

Score - Total Load of all 3 Max Load Lifts Combined

30 minutes